Wild Family

Seven Stories of Extraordinary Animal Friendship

Written By: Bhagavan "Doc" Antle
Wild Family reminds us that friendships aren’t just for humans. When the struggles of living in the wild are removed, all kinds of animals can become best buds. This collection of extraordinary stories and amazing photographs chronicles seven such interspecies friendships.

Meet Pharos, a restless black Lab who finds his purpose in life when introduced to Apollo and Odin, two liger cubs who need someone to look up to. Follow chimpanzee Anjana as she helps raise white tiger cubs born prematurely during a hurricane. And get to know orangutan Suryia and his best friend, Roscoe the hound dog, whose magical friendship has inspired videos and books—the proceeds from which have been donated to save endangered orangutan habitats in Borneo and Sumatra.

The stories are told by Myrtle Beach Safari’s own Bhagavan “Doc” Antle, renowned animal conservationist and the preserve’s founder. Each of these heartwarming tales reminds us that, just like humans, animals are capable of empathy, compassion, and love.
Format: Jacketed Hardbound
Publication Date: 5/22/2018
ISBN: 9781683831303
Pages: 64
Trim Size: 8 x 9 x .5

  • About the Author 
  • Press
Bhagavan "Doc" Antle, Author: Bhagavan "Doc" Antle is founder of the Myrtle Beach Safari, a world-renowned wildlife preserve in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; and director of the Rare Species Fund, which supports animal conservation projects around the world. Founded in 1983, the Safari receives more than three million visitors a year and is considered one of the foremost private wildlife facilities in the world.