Skip to the End
Written By: Alex Diotto, Renzo Podesta, Tim Daniel, Adam Wollet, Jeremy Holt
The bassist of a breakout '90s punk band, Jonny falls apart when his band mate and best friend Kirk commits suicide. Twenty years later he struggles with heroin addiction, lost in the songs they created and desperate to relive the past, when he discovers that he can—literally. With the aid of a mysterious guitar, Jonny begins to make trips back in time, searching for the roots of Kirk’s unraveling. At Nar-Anon meetings and in conversations with his sponsor Emily, he starts to cope with the events that led to Kirk’s death. But by the time Jonny realizes that his visits can’t change the present, he might be too addicted to stop.
Format: Jacketed Hardbound
Publication Date: 6/12/2018
ISBN: 9781683834397
Pages: 112
Trim Size: 8.5 x 11.25 x .6


  • About the Author 
  • Press
Alex Diotto, Artist: Alex Diotto is an Italian artist whose published works include Mayday, Southern Dog, and Brigands, and a slew of short stories for various anthologies. Follow him on twitter @alexdiottodraws.

Renzo Podesta, Colorist: Renzo Podesta was born in Rosario, Argentina, and has worked as a freelance penciller and colorist in France, Canada, England, Norway, the Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, and the United States. His notable work includes the mini-series 27, Howard Lovecraft and The Frozen Kingdom, and Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter. Find his work at or follow him on twitter @renzopodesta.

Tim Daniel, Designer: Tim Daniel is a creator, writer, and designer of comics. His first original story, Enormous, was published by Image Comics in 2012. Enormous later returned to print in 2014 as an ongoing series from 215Ink. Since then, Tim has written and co-created Curse and Burning Fields and more recently in 2017, Atoll, Fissure, and Spiritus, all for Vault Comics, where he currently holds the position of Design Director. He resides in Montana with his wife Erin and two daughters, Olivia and Elle.

Adam Wollet, Letterer: Adam Wollet is a writer and letterer who has worked with both aspiring and seasoned comic book creators. You can see his work in the mini-series Kingdom Bum and Widowed, and on his official site Follow him on twitter @adamwollet.

Jeremy Holt, Writer: Jeremy Holt is a Vermont-based author whose most recent works include After Houdini, Skip to the End, Skinned (Insight Comics), Southern Dog (Action Lab), and Pulp (comiXology), which IGN has called, " of the best one-shot comics of the year." When he's not writing, this Mac Genius is fixing computers, and getting confused for his identical triplet brothers. Follow him on Twitter @Jeremy_Holt.